Below is a map of various “green” assets here in the tri-state region, listed as part of an Ecovation Hub asset mapping initiative. The tri-state region primarily refers to Cheshire county (NH), Franklin county (MA), Bennington county (VT) and Windham County (VT); the green highlighted region on the map encompasses these four counties, and this is where the map is primarily focused. On the map, green markers indicate green building assets (assets having to do with physical building), blue markers indicate educational institutions, and purple markers indicate sector knowledge assets (non-physical, knowledge based assets). To see a list of the assets in each category or sort by type, simply click the button at the top left of the map (to the left of “Ecovation Hub Assets”). To search for an individual asset, simply click the “view larger map” button in the top right corner, which will take you to the full map.
Additional Research and Media:
Initial Green Building Industry Cluster Study Leadership Team Meeting
Initial Green Economy Innovation Hub Summary
Industry Cluster Guidebook and Project Plan
Franklin CEDS October-5-2016-minutes