Your idea.

Your business.

Our comprehensive supports.

       Together, we know how.


Do you have a business idea, but need help with a plan?

Are you considering growth or changes to an existing business?

Are you considering the purchase of a business?

Would you like to prepare your business for succession or sale?

We can help

>> Check out our upcoming events.

>> Or, tell us what you need. 

Instig8 Programs are always evolving, and currently include:

Launch Pad

Start up and small business training combined with group consulting in an 8 session course.

The next Launch Pad group starts on June 18th.

Monthly Workshop

Monthly series of expert guest presenters, sector specific workshops, and technical Q&A sessions. 

Custom Services 

Need a consultation about something specific? Want to request an idea for a workshop or training? 

Send us an email at to tell us more.

Instig8 is…

  • a structure to help you think about starting a business…
  • a path to learning how to start your business…
  • support to help you manage or change your existing business…
  • a set of programs to help you grow your business

Instig8 seeks to empower and educate,

                             assist and uplift,

                             contribute and critique,

                             manage risk and support growth,

                             and identify feasible solutions.

INSTIG8 offers quality entrepreneurship training to the region, to all sorts of normal people who might have an idea, or might already be in business.  INSTIG8 will engage our community members creatively about business, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

This program strives to offer a safe environment for creative entrepreneurs to get strategic, specific, and educated.  We will try, fail, learn, and build together.  Connect with other potential entrepreneurs, while we develop business concepts and models.

INSTIG8 is a BDCC initiative located in the Windham County Region and was initially sponsored by the Windham County Economic Development Program (WCEDP).