2014 Career Expo
Monday, Nov. 10, Brattleboro Union High School gymnasium
Top employers from tri-state area are coming together to raise awareness of career opportunities; will also recruit for specific job openings
Several schools, agencies also on hand to support job searches, training needs
Whether an experienced professional or a newcomer to the job market, all are welcome to stop by the Brattleboro Union High School gymnasium, Nov. 10, to learn how to advance your career in southeastern Vermont and in the greater tri-state area. Thirty employers, along with several colleges, technical schools, and human service agencies, will be staffing informational tables as part of the Second Annual Career Expo & Job Fair organized by the Windham Workforce Investment Board, in partnership with Vermont Department of Labor, SEVCA, Creative Workforce Solutions, and Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation / SeVEDS.
The Career Expo will showcase several of the region’s largest employers in health care, manufacturing, wholesale trade, hospitality, and financial services, among other industry sectors. A complete list of exhibitors is available at www.VermontCareerExpo.com.
“With so many prominent employers assembled, this year’s Career Expo will be a hotbed of recruitment activity. Yet, there is way more to the Career Expo than filling out job applications. True to its name, the Career Expo is about exploring new possibilities, making new connections, and charting out the next steps of your career path,” said David Altstadt, coordinator of the Windham WIB.
Even if you are not searching for a job right now, you can learn more about what it is our local businesses do, the wide variety of career fields they employ workers in, and the qualifications they desire, such as preferred education credentials, job-related skills, and prior work experience. Several education providers will be on hand to provide information on program offerings that can prepare workers for occupations in demand in the local labor market. In addition, several human services agencies will be at the Career Expo to offer job search assistance and information about various work supports available in the community.
The general public is invited to attend the Career Expo between 2 and 6 p.m. New this year, the Career Expo will include a separate noon-hour session open exclusively to students enrolled in Windham County public high schools.
You can RSVP by going to www.facebook.com/windhamwib/events. Event planners highly recommend that attendees wear professional attire and bring several copies of their resume.
The Career Expo is made possible by the generous financial contributions of C&S Wholesale Grocers, The Brattleboro Retreat, Commonwealth Dairy, TD Bank, Vermont Department of Labor, and the Brattleboro Reformer, as well as Chroma Technologies, Creative Workforce Solutions, Marlboro College, Mount Snow, Southeastern Vermont Community Action, Stratton Mountain Resort, The Richards Group, Windham Regional Career Center.
The Windham WIB is a state-recognized, community-driven group dedicated to developing a quality workforce in Southeastern Vermont. The Windham WIB partners with employers, public, and non-profit employment services providers, economic/community development groups, and educational institutions to identify critical workforce challenges and design and implement effective solutions. The WIB is governed by a volunteer Executive Committee and aided by a part-time coordinator.