
Year-End Newcomers Mixers Foster Connectedness

BDCC’s GROW SoVermont program hosted three successful newcomer mixers in November and December. They included a morning coffee break at Mocha Joe’s in Brattleboro, a happy hour at High Thai during the Brattleboro tree lighting as part of Gallery Walk, and another happy hour at the Newfane Inn in Townshend. The events were well-attended by a mix of newcomers and longtime locals.

Attendees at all three events were able to make new connections, share their experiences, and learn more about their areas. The mixer at the Newfane Inn was especially successful, bringing together 14 folks in their 30s and 40s who are new to Townshend, Jamaica, and Newfane. By the end of the event, attendees were asking for a way to stay in touch and continue building their newfound relationships.

Two of the Newfane Inn attendees relocating from the Burlington will be operating a new restaurant called River + Rye in the building next to the Jamaica post office. “We can’t wait to open up shop in Jamaica,” says Emma Spett, who will be managing the restaurant’s operations. “We’ve felt so welcomed both by the community in Jamaica, and the folks we’ve met through GROW SoVermont.” Emma’s fiancé, Andrew Baldracchi, will be the eatery’s chef and creative director. (Stay tuned for a follow-up newcomers’ mixer at this new venue in the spring.)

As we look back on a year of mixers that generated 1:1 connections, newcomers’ profiles, and more, we’re excited to evaluate and evolve the GROW SoVermont program. Surveys are currently being planned, as are focus groups to gather feedback from newcomers, local hosts, and community partners. Feedback is essential to helping us create a program that meets the needs of our communities. If you’re interested in participating in a survey or focus group, please reach out to Rachel Shields Ebersole at rsebersole@brattleborodevelopment.com.

We hope to see you at a future GROW SoVermont event!

About GROW SoVermont
GROW is a statewide initiative created to welcome newcomers to the region—both recent relocators, returning residents, and those planning a move to Vermont. BDCC is a regional partner in this network. GROW SoVermont is part of BDCC’s Welcoming Communities programming designed to foster thriving communities and a robust regional workforce. The GROW network is a program of Think Vermont and is funded in part by Vermont’s Agency of Commerce and Community Development.