In 2015, the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC) facilitated $14 million in business development projects. In 2016 business development projects will more than double 2015 expenditures.
The BDCC led, or participated in, writing, submitting and receiving grants on behalf of Windham Region businesses over the last 6 months that totaled:
VEGI: $1,337,000
Vermont Training Program: $200,000
CDBG: $600,000
Town of Brattleboro Loan: $250,000
WCEDP: $1,500,000
Town of Rockingham Loan: $100,000
$4,000,000 Total Grant Packages BDCC participated in on BEHALF of regional projects
(not BDCC programs)
Press Release: Beyond the Craft: Makers Gather to Discuss Business Transitions with the BDCC and HatchSpace
Brattleboro, Vermont – Are you a maker or artisan considering selling your creative business, looking to acquire one, or planning for its future? Join the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC)…