DSC 5221

Newcomers Survey for Recently Relocated Employees

Do you have new employees who’ve recently relocated to the area? We’d love to hear from them about their experience as a newcomer, and to find ways to help them get connected with their new community. 

BDCC’s GROW SoVermont program provides new Windham County residents opportunities to connect with other newcomers and longtime locals through newcomers mixers, welcome wagon connections to local “hosts” and more. The program also helps potential new residents navigate the relocation process. 

Now through the end of June, our newcomers survey is open for responses from your new employees! New neighbors and friends are welcome to share their input as well. Eligible participants will be entered in a monthly drawing to win local gift cards.


About GROW SoVermont

GROW is a statewide initiative created to welcome newcomers to the region—from recent relocators to returning residents and those planning a move to Vermont. As a regional partner in this network, GROW SoVermont is part of BDCC’s Welcoming Communities programming to foster thriving communities and a robust regional workforce. The GROW network is a program of Think Vermont and is funded in part by Vermont’s Agency of Commerce and Community Development. For more information please visit sovermont.com/grow.