BDCC’s primary tool for succession planning and assistance with reorganization is the REGENER8 program.
It can take three to five years to prepare your business to be ready for a successful transition. Even if transitioning seems like a distant consideration, it might be a good idea to learn about some of the resources available in the region.
How does REGENER8 support clients?
- Awareness – Through a series of workshops we will help both buyers and sellers understand the financial, legal, organizational, and human considerations around business transitions. We will also explore the different ways a business can be transitioned. Regional and State resource providers will be introduced so that businesses will know where to go for specific needs.
- Technical – Depending on how a business decides to transition, a variety of activities and work needs to be done. REGENER8 will either directly provided that assistance or connect businesses with an appropriate resource provider.
- Connecting – REGENER8 will attempt to connect vetted buyers with interested sellers.
- Acceleration – Businesses that have a longer timeline, it might be appropriate to growth the company deliberately with a transition in mind. REGENER8 will connect with other BDCC programming such as INSTIG8 to help businesses through this process.