SEON and New Chapter honored at first ever BDCC/SEVEDS joint annual meeting
Immediate Release: November 3, 2014
On Tuesday, October 21, 2014 the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC) and Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) met at the Vermont Foodbank in Brattleboro for their first joint annual meeting. BDCC President Dan Normandeau and SeVEDS Chairman Adam Grinold welcomed the public to the event as well as Vermont’s Congressman Peter Welch.
Welch offered comments on the value of Vermont small businesses to the Vermont economy following speakers from two of the regions businesses Nancy Cain of Against the Grain Gourmet and Peter Yost of Building Green. Cain and Yost’s businesses endeavors are considered entrepreneurial bright spots in the Southeastern Vermont economy and both spoke about growth in their industries.
BDCC announced New Chapter founders Paul and Barbi Schulick as the recipients of the 2014 Founder’s award. Normandeau explained that the winner of the annual Founders award is an individual that makes things happen in the community, is known for creating value added jobs and for promoting a climate that enhances the economic vitality of the region. Their efforts and actions make a difference to the area and to the business climate.
SeVEDS announced Sustainable Energy Outreach Network (SEON) as the recipients of the 2015 SoVermont Leadership Award for Excellence in Economic Development. Grinold asked Executive Director Guy Payne to accept the award on behalf of SEON and explained that the annual award is presented annually in recognition of sustained and effective efforts to mobilize leadership in the development of programs and projects, planning and designing of new and creative economic development activities and deep commitment as a leader and advocate for economic development in Southern Vermont.
BDCC (Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation) is a private, nonprofit regional economic development organization serving as a catalyst for industrial and commercial growth throughout Southeastern Vermont, including Windham County and the towns of Readsboro, Somerset, Searsburg, and Weston. BDCC’s primary objective is to create and retain a flourishing business community that supports vibrant fiscal activity, and improves the quality of life of all its residents. BDCC is affiliated with the State of Vermont as the certified Regional Development Corporation (RDC) serving the greater Windham County area. BDCC is one of 12 RDCs throughout Vermont. BDCC provides some funding and contract staffing for SeVEDS. More information can be found at www.brattleborodevelopment.com
SeVEDS (Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies) is an affiliate of BDCC that grew from a 2008 grass roots effort, initiated by BDCC, to reverse the economic decline of the Windham Region. It is guided by a regional board of 18 public and private sector individuals and staffed by BDCC. SeVEDS has solicited and received broad municipal and private sector support within the region, and completed the region’s first ever Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) in 2013. More information can be found at www.seveds.com