SeVEDS Announces 2016 CEDS Vital Project Rankings
SeVEDS Announces 2016 CEDS Vital Project Rankings
Windham Region, Vermont, February 27, 2017 —Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) has announced its annual CEDS projects ranking for projects submitted for inclusion in the 2016 CEDS (Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies). A total of 46 projects were submitted to be included in the CEDS; 14 of which have been ranked the most vital. A press event held at the Wilmington Old School in Wilmington, Vermont announced those Vital Projects. Vital Projects are the top ranked projects in terms of alignment and potential to advance the goals and objectives of the CEDS. The Southern Vermont Sustainable Marking Plan was ranked the number one most Vital Project. Other Vital Projects include the Wilmington Old School, Ecovation Hub – Green Building Cluster, and Re-Energizing Vernon.
CEDS Projects are submitted as significant activities which are happening around the region that can help implement the CEDS. Projects are given priority based on their regionality, impact on raising wage parity and/or creating or sustaining jobs in the region, growing and/or retaining new businesses or products, ability to leverage regional assets, contribute to and/or sustain the quality of place in our region. Examples of projects can include activities which promote economic development and opportunity, foster effective transportation access, enhance and protect the environment, maximize effective development and use of the workforce consistent with any applicable State or local workforce investment strategy or promote the use of technology in economic development, including access to high-speed telecommunications.
All CEDS Projects have been reviewed annually for inclusion in the Windham Region CEDS. Every project submitted is included in the CEDS. CEDS projects not ranked as Vital Projects are listed alphabetically by category in SeVEDS publications. A project selection committee comprised of a small group of individuals that represent the region and are firmly established in their field of expertise were chosen by SeVEDS to review, score and rank the 46 project submissions; 15 new projects and 31 project updates. This committee was made up of William Crowley of Brattleboro Savings and Loan, Alex Wilson of BuildingGreen Inc., Brett Morrison of Five Maples, Sharron Cunningham of Mount Snow Valley Chamber of Commerce, and Jennifer Stromsten of Lewis&Stromsten, LLC.
The Windham Region S.M.A.R.T CEDS is the five year federally recognized regional economic development plan which the public and private sectors collaborated to create in 2013. A CEDS must be the result of an ongoing economic development planning process, developed with broad-based and diverse public and private sector participation, and must include a section listing all suggested projects. A CEDS also contains a section identifying and prioritizing vital projects, programs and activities that address the region’s greatest needs or that will best enhance the region’s competitiveness. Progress on all of the goals and projects is updated annually.
For a complete list of the 2016 CEDS Projects, please visit:
About BDDC & SeVEDS:
The Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation is a private, nonprofit economic development organization that serves as a catalyst for industrial and commercial growth throughout Southeastern Vermont, including Windham County and the towns of Readsboro, Searsburg, and Weston. BDCC serves as the State of Vermont’s certified Regional Development Corporation (RDC) for the greater Windham County area. BDCC is one of 12 RDCs throughout Vermont.
For more information visit: https://brattleborodevelopment.com/
Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) is an affiliate of BDCC that grew from a 2008 grassroots effort, initiated by BDCC, to reverse the economic decline of the Windham Region and plan for the economic impacts from the closure of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. In 2014, after multiple years of regional input, education and data gathering, SeVEDS submitted the Windham Region’s federally recognized S.M.A.R.T. Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for federal approval. For more information visit: www.seveds.com
Kristin Mehalick
Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation
(802) 257-7731 ext. 226