SeVEDS opens project submissions period for 2014 Windham Region CEDS
Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) opens project submissions period for 2014 Windham Region CEDS
As previously announced in the Windham Region annual CEDS project submission schedule, SeVEDS is now accepting new projects and updated projects for its first annual update to the regional CEDS. The submission period is open from July 1, 2014 through September 30, 2014. Projects wishing to be included in the updated CEDS must provide the following:
1. Project Overview: Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) is seeking new and updated project proposals for inclusion in the first annual update of its Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS), as required by the United States Economic Development Administration (EDA). Information on the required component of a CEDS can be found at http://seveds.com/windham-
2. Proposal Contents: The project proposal must identify the applicant and include a detailed description of the project; establish that the applicant has the authority, capacity and the wherewithal to successfully implement the project; establish the likely outcome of the project and establish how that outcome is consistent with the goals and strategies of SeVEDS. For a complete description of submission requirements, go to http://seveds.com/ceds-
3. New Applicants: Any private or public entity or consortium of entities can submit a project for consideration. Applications will only be accepted from the entity(s) directly implementing the project.
4. Repeat Applicants: Any entity that submitted a project for the 2013 CEDS must provide an update on their project for it to be included in the 2014 CEDS. An update form can be found at http://seveds.com/ceds-
Proposals are due no later than September 30 at 5:00 pm. Proposals must be received at: SeVEDS, 76 Cotton Mill Hill, Brattleboro, VT 05301. A minimum of (5) paper and one (1) digital copy are to be submitted.
All inquiries, questions and clarifications must be directed to Laura Sibilia at802-257-7731 or lsibilia@
Form information on SeVEDS Regional Economic Development Goals and Strategies, visit www.seveds.com.