SeVEDS/BDCC and The WHEC see the initial success of their internship program
Brattleboro, Vt. The SeVEDS/BDCC internship program, in collaboration with The Windham Higher Education Cooperative, place college students in paid internships in Windham County businesses. Students not only earn college credit but are paid while doing so. The internship program is a part of the Windham Higher Education Cooperative (WHEC) which includes the following institutions: Vermont Technical College, Community College of Vermont, Marlboro College, SIT/World Learning, Union Intuition and University and Landmark College. Students from these six colleges work with their career centers and the SeVEDS/BDCC Internship Coordinator, Jan Coplan, to find meaningful internships that align with their career goals.
Omoefe Ogbeide was hired as a full time paid intern at Fulflex Elastometrics Worldwide, a Moore Company, in Brattleboro, VT. She is responsible for the World Class Initiative, a project that entails producing, reviewing, and updating the company’s Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs) for all areas of their enterprise, from manufacturing to packaging and shipping. Fulflex produces various custom-mixed elastic and rubber products for high-profile customers such as Nike, Hanes, Procter & Gamble, General Electric, Vanity Fair and 3M. Omoefe took on this project with enthusiasm and rigor, creating a large binder of easily accessible documents for employees’ reference. When asked about how the placement was going she replied “She really appreciates the support she is getting both from her career counselor at Landmark College as well as the SeVEDS/BDCC Internship Coordinator. “My experience at Fulflex has been nothing less than gratifying,” Ogbeide said.
During a recent photo tour of the facility Jan Coplan and the Director of Marketing Communications at Landmark College, Mark DiPietro, observed firsthand the degree of satisfaction Omoefe was experiencing in her internship. In speaking with her supervisors they had nothing but positive feedback, expressing an appreciation, not only for her skills, but also for the impact she has had on the company through her notable contribution to their efforts to standardize their SOPs. When the vice president of Fulflex, Don Venice, was asked about his impressions of the recent placement of Omoefe he replied “We are very very happy. She is doing very well.”
This internship is effectively meeting the goals and aspirations of the SeVEDS/ BDCC program. It is beautifully demonstrating the mutually beneficial design of an internship. There are notable advantages for both the intern and the hosting business. The intern’s college education is being complimented, giving her the opportunity to effectively utilize the skills she acquired in her Landmark College coursework. She has the confidence that she is a valued member of the Fulflex staff. The internship coordinator is thrilled with how the Fulflex staff have navigated the supervision of this internship. Omoefe’s supervisors allow her to demonstrate initiative, have invited her to participate in staff meetings as well as encouraged her to contribute to the discussions about how to improve and standardize company procedures.
The SeVEDS/BDCC Internship Program aims to place interns in workplace environments where they thrive as individuals and are welcomed to share their knowledge and insights, which often enables the business to reach new levels. An additional goal of the program is that students gain an appreciation of the business to the point of deciding to stay and live in Vermont. In Omoefe’s case, her skills were valued to the degree that she has been hired as an employee once her internship term is complete. How exciting it would be if she made the decision to keep her valued talents here in Vermont!
If you are interested in learning more about the SeVEDS/BDCC Internship Program or would like to know how to participate as either a college student or a Windham County business please contact Jan Coplan at jcoplan@brattleborodevelopement.com or via phone at 802 257-7731 ext.226. Windham County internship opportunities are currently posted at www.VBSR.org.