Southern Vermont Unveils Regional Branding Efforts at the Vermont Travel Industry Conference.
March 25, 2014
Southern Vermont Unveils Regional Branding Efforts at the Vermont Travel Industry Conference.
Manchester, VT- The Southern Vermont region will unveil their new branding effort at the State of Vermont Travel and Industry conference in Manchester on April 3RD at the Equinox Resort and Spa in Manchester. The collaborative marketing effort, Strengthening Southern Vermont, aims to increase awareness of the region as well as promote visitation and growth in the working population.
“It is really exciting to be launching a program that unites a number of different economic development entities in Southern Vermont behind one regional message.” said Laura Sibilia, Director of Economic Development at Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation. “By working together, we are able to really promote the region as a whole, showcasing the unique Vermont experience to both tourists and potential future workforce for the area.”
The Southern Vermont campaign will include both the Bennington and Windham county regions and will feature a regional website, print and digital advertising as well as presence at local events throughout the region. The conference presentation will showcase regional research results, marketing strategy and Southern Vermont branded creative. To view the agenda and register for the conference, please go tohttp://www.vtic.org/.
The Strengthening Southern Vermont project was developed by the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC), in cooperation with its affiliate the Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies Group (SeVEDS), the Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing (VDTM) and four Southern Vermont Chambers: The Brattleboro Area Chamber of Commerce, the Mount Snow Valley Chamber of Commerce, The Bennington Area Chamber of Commerce and the Manchester and the Mountains Chamber of Commerce. It was funded through a grant by the US Economic Development Agency written by the Windham and Bennington County Regional Commissions.
For more information, please contact Laura Sibilia, Director of Economic Development at Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation, 802.257.7731.
Project partners: