Southern Vermont Young Professionals present: An evening with the Circus
For immediate release: July 15, 2014
Additional info contact: Jan Coplan, BDCC Internship Coordinator at jcoplan@brattleborodevelopment.com or 802-257-777 ext 226
Southern Vermont Young Professionals present: An evening with the Circus
SeVEDS invites Southern Vermont’s young professionals to come unleash their inner acrobat on Thursday July 31st 6:00pm-8:30pm at New England Center for Circus Arts (NECCA) in Brattleboro. The event includes a free circus class and refreshments and culminates with a captivating circus performance.
NECCA is a school, facility and community where circus arts are available to the general public and to inspire students of all skill levels, ages, abilities and aspirations. More information on their programs is available athttp://www.necenterforcircusarts.org
RSVP to Jan at jcoplan@brattleborodevelopment.com or via phone at 802 257-7731 ext. 226 is required for this event.
The event will take place at The New England Center for Circus Arts 74 Cotton Mill Hill Road Brattleboro, Vt. 05301
Directions to the Cotton Mill Hill Studio:
Take exit one off of interstate 91 & turn east towards downtown Brattleboro. At the first traffic light, turn right on to Fairgrounds Road. Pass the high school. At the next stop sign, turn left on to South Main Street. At the next stop sign turn right down a steep hill called Cotton Mill Hill. There will be a large mill building on your left. Turn left into the parking area & drive left between the two buildings. The larger building on your right is the building we are in. Enter this building through the last door on the corner on your right as you drove down the alley. We are on the 3rd floor. The studio telephone number is (802) 254-9780.
About the Southern Vermont Young Professionals network: Southern Vermont Young Professionals is a Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) sponsored coalition of 22-45 year olds working to develop the community and professional connections of young people in Southern Vermont. They have coordinated a number of events centered on recreational activities and professional development as well as completed a survey to determine the interests of young professionals in the region. Events are posted to www.facebook.com/groups/SoVTYoungPros/