WESTON, VT — This year, the Vermont Financing Working Landscapes conference will be held on Friday, October 20th starting at 8:30am at the brand-new Weston Playhouse at Walker Farm in Weston, Vermont. The Southern Vermont Economy Project (SVEP) will host with southern Vermont partners Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation, Windham Regional Commission, Strolling of the Heifers, Bennington County Regional Commission and Bennington County Industrial Corporation. The conference will connect the regions entrepreneurs and small businesses in the food, ag, and forestry sectors to financial resources, technical assistance and services provided in Vermont.
The conference is all-day and will include panel discussions and break out sessions with financial lenders as well as focusing on the question, “What does your business want to be when it grows up?” Afternoon sessions will follow the structure of the business lifecycle (development, startup, growth, expansion, succession), providing attendees resources and programs at each level of the cycle.
The perennial Financing Working Landscapes conference has its origins in Addison County where it began in 2011. Since its inception, the conference has toured the state, most recently hosted in the Northeast Kingdom by Northern Vermont Development Corporation and the Center for Agriculture Economy.
Sponsorship opportunities are available and registration will be opening soon. For more information, contact Sarah Lang, the Southern Vermont Economy Project Manager at the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation and visit our website at www.brattleborodevelopment.com
The Southern Vermont Economy Project (SVEP) will stabilize, improve and expand the rural economic and workforce development network in Southern Vermont. SVEP is funded by the USDA Rural Community Development Initiative.