VSJF Business Sense Training Series Available
The Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund (VSJF) has just launched Business Sense, a training series consisting of six modules that provide essential tools and information resources to entrepreneurs and small business owners. The no-frills series aims to help businesses not only survive but thrive! VSJF’s business coaches employed their decades of experience in various sectors such as financials, operations, sales and marketing, human resources, leadership, and governance to develop the series. The first two modules, Financial Literacy and Business Operations, have been released, while the remaining four modules, Business Governance and Leadership, Human Resources, Marketing, and Sales, will be launched soon. Business Sense is designed to accelerate the growth of Vermont-based enterprises and expand the leadership capacity of the entrepreneurs who own and manage these businesses. The series was made possible by the support of the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets, the Vermont Farm and Forest Viability Program, and the SBA Community Navigator Pilot Program. Click to access the resources.
Two of six modules are live and now available for entrepreneurs and small business owners; the remaining four will come out soon. Each module has sub-modules and can be accessed on VSJF’s website. Continue reading below for an overview of the first two modules.
Module 1: Financial Literacy
Building and running a business is no small feat, and understanding business finance shouldn’t be a barrier for achieving success. If you’re like many entrepreneurs, you have a general understanding of income vs. expenses. You know where to look on your financial statements to see how much cash you have in the bank or identify your net income. However, you may not know how to use the financial data you have to elevate your decision making, negotiations and leadership skills. In our Financial Literacy Series, we’ll provide some basic financial education for entrepreneurs and small business owners to help you understand how specific financial statements are like a dashboard for your business and how this critical data and disciplined processes and practices can keep you on track to meet your business goals. Click to access the overview pdf.
Module 2: Business Operations
You may have the best product or service, but if you are unable to deliver, you won’t be successful. If you aim to grow, your operational capabilities need to be on the same pace as your sales growth. At best, operational issues are bumps in the road. At worst, they can derail all your prior efforts, erode customer good will and negatively impact brand reputation. When you implement a well-though tout business structure, you are able to document all the business processes and, at the same time, specify all the roles and responsibilities (or competencies) in your company. This is particularly important to optimizing employee performance when employees are working in multiple locations and/or in hybrid work environments. With the right business structure for your business you can easily foster a more engaged workforce without stifling innovation and position your business to compete successfully in this highly competitive world. Click here to access the overview pdf.