Windham County Economic Development Program 2022 Business Plan Competition Finalists Announced
September 1, 2022
Windham County, Vermont — The Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC) has revamped its annual Business Plan Competition, part of the Windham County Economic Development Program (WCEDP).
Twenty-six entrepreneurs submitted applications in June to compete in the Competition. Applicant business concepts consisted of both new startups and expansion projects for existing businesses, in a wide range of business sectors. Each entrepreneur pitched their business concept in the first round of the competition.
Participants had to meet the following criteria:
- The business is in Windham County,
- The business has a clearly identified target market, and
- The business plans to hire (at least) two full time employees in fiscal year 2024.
Eight businesses met all three criteria and have moved forward to the final round of the competition. Those finalists include:
Finalists will produce a full business plan utilizing online software provided through the Windham County Economic Development Program. Final plans will be submitted by October 1st to be reviewed and scored by a panel of judges. Finalists with completed plans will pitch their business plans on October 14th for seven minutes then field questions form a panel of judges
This year’s judges panel is a mix of business professionals and entrepreneurs:
- Ed Sheldon, Key Bank
- Bronna Zlochiver, WCEDP Council
- Sara Powell, Hannah Grimes Center for Entrepreneurship
- Meg Streeter, Southeastern Vermont Economic Development
- Jeffrey Thomas, Lever, Inc.
- Dena Moses, Vermont Weaving -2021 WCEDP competition winner
A winner will be announced at the conclusion of that event they will be presented with the $20,000 grand prize, awarded from the Windham County Economic Development Program.
Special thanks to the Brattleboro Reformer and The Peak Radio who are WCEDP Quick Pitch and Business Plan Competition media sponsors.
If you were inspired by this competition and would like to connect with the Business Assistance Team at BDCC, please send us an email or submit an inquiry.
Stay tuned for the ramp up of the 2023 Business Plan Competition!
The Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC) is a private, nonprofit economic development organization that serves as a catalyst for industrial and commercial growth throughout Southeastern Vermont, including Windham County and the towns of Readsboro, Searsburg, Winhall and Weston. BDCC serves as the State of Vermont’s certified Regional Development Corporation (RDC) for the greater Windham County area. BDCC is one of 12 RDCs throughout Vermont.. For more information visit: https://brattleborodevelopment.com/
Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) is an affiliate of BDCC that grew from a 2008 grassroots effort, initiated by BDCC, to understand and create long term strategies needed to reverse the economic decline of the Windham Region and plan for the economic impacts from the closure of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. In 2014, after multiple years of regional input, education and data gathering, SeVEDS received federal approval for the Windham Region’s federally recognized S.M.A.R.T. Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). SeVEDS partnered with Bennington’s Regional Economic Development Group in 2018 to develop the 2019 Southern Vermont Zone CEDS. For more information visit: www.seveds.com
Windham County Economic Development Program
The WCEDP promotes economic development in Windham County. WCEDP provides funds to stimulate job creation through business start-up, expansion, or relocation. It encourages entrepreneurial activity and invests in initiatives to strengthen the economic development infrastructure in order to ensure a strong foundation for transformational economic activity. WCEDP funds were secured through an agreement between the State of Vermont and Entergy Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant upon the plant closure announcement. The funds were intended to mitigate the negative economic impacts of the plant’s closure as outlined in the 2012 Vermont Yankee Task Force Report and the 2014 Windham Region S.M.A.R.T. CEDS. For more information, please visit https://brattleborodevelopment.com/windham-co-economic-development-program/
BDCC’s Business Services Team
BDCC’s Business Services Team offers a suite of services, programs, and resources at the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation, the non-profit regional development corporation serving southeastern Vermont. We help at all business stages, from startup and growth, to reorganization and succession. BDCC’s business services are guided by the regional economic development plan (CEDS) to advance strategies that foster an entrepreneurial environment, support small businesses, increase access to capital, and build an inclusive and equitable economy. For more information please visit: https://brattleborodevelopment.com/businessassistanceservices/