Windham Higher Education Collaborative formed
Release Date: Wednesday, March 5th 2014
For Immediate Release January 29, 2014
Additional info contact:
Pat Moulton Powden, BDCC Executive Director at pmpowden@brattleborodevelopment.com or 802-257-7731802-257-7731 ext 224
On Monday March 3rd, Presidents and senior administrators from Community College of Vermont, Marlboro College, Union Institute & University, World Learning SIT, Vermont Technical College and Landmark College gathered at the Marlboro College Grad Center to sign two ground breaking agreements and announce a new Internship Program in Windham County.
The first agreement formally creates the Windham Higher Education Cooperative, a consortium of six higher education institutions with a presence in Windham County. Enhance educational opportunities for students at each institution. Engage in the economic development of the region and to seek opportunities to collaborate to advance the missions of each of the institutions. The full MOU can be seen herehttps://www.brattleborodevelopment.com/_files/docs/windham-higher-ed-cooperative-mou.pdf
The second agreement of Windham Higher Education Collaborative created a cross registration agreement designed to allow undergraduate, degree-seeking students in good standing to enhance their educational program by taking classes at the partner institutions as part of their regular course load. This program will start in the fall of 2014. This groundbreaking cross sharing agreement can be seen herehttps://www.brattleborodevelopment.com/_files/docs/whec-cross-registration-agreement.pdf
The collaborative then announced that they had been awarded a $60,000 Internship grant from the Vermont Department of Labor to develop an Internship Program in conjunction with Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) workforce development efforts. New Internship Coordinator Jan Coplan was introduced. Jan works with the SeVEDS Director of workforce Development Andy Robinson at BDCC.