Sarah Lang, Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation
slang@brattleborodevelopment.com | (802) 257-7731 x222
Vermont Ag. Secretary Anson Tebbetts, Winner of 2017 Brattleboro Road Pitch Competition to present
On October 20th, the 2017 Financing the Working Landscape conference will commence at the brand new $13.6 million Weston Playhouse at Walker Farm in Weston, Vermont. This free, all day conference provides Vermont small businesses in the agriculture, food, and forestry sectors unique one-on-one interactions with capital and service providers from across the state. “Our foot is on the gas pedal when it comes to economic development. We are committed to growing our economy and making Vermont more affordable. Conferences like this are critical so we can keep the rural economy headed in the right direction,” states Secretary Tebbetts, who will be opening the conference.
This agenda includes a panel discussion with financial lenders as well as a panel with four small businesses focusing on the question, “What does your business want to be when it grows up?” Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of the financial resources available to your small businesses that can help it get off the ground, grow to increase production or employee numbers, purchase new equipment, or transition to new ownership.
Afternoon breakout sessions will follow the structure of the business life cycle (development, startup, growth, expansion, succession), providing attendees resources and programs at each level of the cycle. Attendees will have access to one-on-one or small group discussions with capital and service providers that allow them to acutely explore answers to their questions specific to their business.
Guest speakers include Secretary Anson Tebbetts of the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets, Commissioner Michael Snyder of the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation and Bob Hausslein, winner of the 2017 Brattleboro Road Pitch Competition, of Sugar Bob’s Smoked Maple Syrup.
For the full agenda and registration information, visit www.brattleborodevelopment.com/2017fwl/
Our conference sponsors include USDA Rural Development, Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets, Vermont Farm & Forest Viability Program, Vermont Agriculture Credit Corporation, Yankee Farm Credit, Vermont Community Loan Fund, Community Capital of Vermont, US Small Business Administration, and Vermont Farm Fund.
Financing Working Landscapes is hosted by the Southern Vermont Economy Project in partnership with Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation, Windham Regional Commission, Food Connects, Strolling of the Heifers, Bennington County Regional Commission, and Bennington County Industrial Corporation.
The Southern Vermont Economy Project (SVEP) will stabilize, improve and expand the rural economic and workforce development network in Southern Vermont. SVEP is funded by the USDA Rural Community Development Initiative. Our partners are Bellows Falls Area Development Corporation, Rockingham Arts and Museum Project, Great Falls Regional Chamber of Commerce, Windham Regional Commission, Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategy, Brattleboro Area Chamber of Commerce, Strolling of the Heifers, Readsboro Hometown Redevelopment Inc., Bennington Area Chamber of Commerce, Bennington County Regional Commission, Bennington County Industrial Corporation, Town of Bennington, and the Bennington Downtown Alliance.