BDCC Convenes Regional Workforce Development Meeting
On March 22nd, the BDCC convened the second quarterly Regional Workforce Development Meeting. Representatives from VDOL, VABIR, Creative Workforce Solutions, AHS, and VSAC, as well as local employers, met at the Windham Regional Career Center to share case studies of effective, flexible, and impactful adult workforce development trainings that have been implemented in Windham County.
Presentations featured collaborations between Brattleboro Memorial Hospital, CCV, and Creative Workforce Solutions; Mount Snow, Northern Vermont University, and BDCC; and the Sustainable Energy Outreach Network, Windham Regional Career Center, Windham County Economic Development Program, and Efficiency Vermont.
All of the presentations highlighted demand-driven solutions to immediate workforce needs, none of which could have happened with regional and statewide collaborative and partnership.
Upcoming meeting topics include Apprenticeships, Internships, and Co-ops, and Innovative Recruitment and Retention Approaches. Please contact abeck@brattleborodevelopment.com for more information about this, past, or future Regional Workforce Development meetings.