BDCC Hires Betit to work in Windham Region Schools
The Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation has hired Christy Betit as its Community Based Education and Flexible Pathways Specialist. In this role she will serve as the coordinator and program lead for the Pipelines and Pathways Project, a BDCC program of the Southern Vermont Workforce Center of Excellence.
This program will be available to every high school student in the Windham Region’s participating schools, and is separate from (but works collaboratively with) existing Career and Technical Education programs offered at the Windham Regional Career Center. This program will be designed to help every student prepare for their life after high school; benefits and opportunities created by this program will be equitably accessible to all students, regardless of income, race, gender, geography, and aptitude. Each community has different education and economic assets, and the program will work to leverage these assets to establish robust opportunities in every participating school-community in the Windham Region.
Betit is a seventh generation Vermonter and a graduate of the former Whitingham High School. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Theatre Arts from The University of Vermont and a Master’s Degree in Theatre Education from Emerson College. Prior to her work at BDCC, she spent almost a decade leading a team of educators at BEST Hospitality Training in Boston, MA, a workforce development organization dedicated to preparing and placing low-to-no income residents in high paying jobs with career lattices and a path to the middle class. She also has an extensive background working as an educator in public schools and nonprofits throughout New England including at Whitingham School and as a lead teaching artist at Boston University’s Wheelock Family Theatre.
Details for a formal funders and program announcement are being finalized. That event will take place at Leland and Gray High School in Townshend on Friday September 21st.
The Southern Vermont Workforce Center of Excellence is a program of the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC) which offers an employer-driven system of Workforce and Education partners aligned behind grassroots workforce development strategies that will increase the size and quality of the workforce, resulting higher median household incomes. It was created through the Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) comprehensive planning CEDS process, which engaged residents, employers, and municipalities throughout the Windham Region. The vision of the Center is that every Vermonter in Windham County has access to the education, training, and support needed to access meaningful, livable wage careers, so that no good job goes unfilled.
The BDCC is a private, nonprofit economic development organization that serves as a catalyst for industrial and commercial growth throughout Southeastern Vermont. The primary objective of the BDCC is to create and retain a flourishing business community that supports vibrant fiscal activity and improves the quality of life of all of its residents.