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BDCC Idea Jam 2021

September 9 at 6pm, come join the BDCC Idea Jam to share an idea about your business idea. Meet future partners, collaborators, mentors, and entrepreneurs.

What’s an Idea Jam? It’s an event to encourage you, an emerging entrepreneur, to share your business idea in front of other people. It gives you a goal to work toward and forces you to organize your thoughts.

What’s the structure? We’ll begin with some networking. Then, the Idea Jam will start and presenters will be invited to speak about their idea. You have ONE MINUTE! That’s it! There are no powerpoint slides, videos, or other media to support your presentation – it’s just you and your words! Once you’re finished, the next person will present. No shark tank. No comments. Just present.

After everyone shares, it’s time to mingle, get some feedback, and celebrate with others who just went through the same experience.

Presentation Tips:

1. Introduce yourself and “name” of your idea

2. Explain why people need what you’re proposing.

3. Who is having this problem or has a particular need?

4. How are people dealing with the issue now?

5. How will the idea generate revenue?

6. Why are you the one able to do this? Do you have a team?

7. What do you need to further your project, (mentors, funding, business planning)?

NOTE: If you have concerns about intellectual property, 1.) keep your presentation vague / abstract enough to not share proprietary information, 2.) don’t participate, 3.) do what you need to do to protect your IP.