BDCC Launches INSTIG8 with an Idea Jam @ The Vermont Jazz Center on May 5th
For Immediate Release
April 20, 2016
R.T. Hamilton Brown
WCEDP Program Director
Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation
(802) 257-7731 x221
BDCC Launches INSTIG8 with an Idea Jam @ The Vermont Jazz Center on May 5th
The Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC) is launching a new program to cultivate innovation and entrepreneurism. The kick-off event is an Idea Jam at the Vermont Jazz Center on May 5th starting at 6:00 p.m. This is the launch for a program called INSTIG8 (instigate) .which is a system that fosters innovation through creativity and ideation. It will strategically foster a safe environment for creative entrepreneurs to try, fail, learn, build, explore, and connect to other like-minded individuals while developing their business concepts and models.
The Windham County Economic Development Program (WCEDP) will be the flagship sponsor.
INSTIG8 is the point-of-entry for developing and early stage firms in the So. Vermont / Windham Region. To start, it’s a series of workshops, events, and pop-up co-working opportunities. INSTIG8 will be the catalyst for engaging, business-minded, creative community of entrepreneurs, innovators, and instigators.
The Idea Jam will be led by Dr. Birton Cowden who is the Associate Director of the award winning Berthiaume Center for Entrepreneurship and faculty at the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He has been involved with many ventures, ranging from apparel to Bitcoin to alternative energy. Dr Cowden’s expertise is in the creation of entrepreneurial cultures and leading disruption.
R.T. Brown, the Windham County Economic Development Program’s Project Manager says, “be prepared to share an idea about a new business in 60 seconds or less. This is not a competition. The purpose is to start conversations, look for collaborators, and contribute to a growing creative, and entrepreneurial culture in area. If you’re not chosen to present your idea, don’t worry, there’s always next time. After the Idea Jam, talk about the ideas, stay to network, enjoy some food, and start to collaborate. Most successful startups are the result of collaborations!”
“We need more startup churn in the region,” said Adam Grinold, BDCC’s Executive Director. “We have great businesses that are expanding and some that are interested in locating to the Windham region, but we could do more to help early stage firms form. That’s INSTIG8! Getting people connected to network, form collaborations and learn from each other and leaders in the community is what it’s all about.”
Please register at: http://bit.ly/ideajam-bratt. Contact R.T. Brown, rbrown@brattleborodevelopment.com, with any questions. Also contact R.T. Brown for more information about INSTIG8.