Gordon Joins Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation Board
Release Date: Monday, May 9th 2016
Steven R. Gordon, President / CEO of Brattleboro Memorial Hospital (BMH) in Brattleboro, Vermont, recently joined 11 other community members in serving on Brattleboro Development Credit Corporations’ (BDCC) board of trustees. BDCC, is a private, nonprofit economic development organization that serves as a catalyst for industrial and commercial growth throughout Southeastern Vermont, including Windham County and the towns of Readsboro, Searsburg, Weston and Winhall.
The BDCC board and staff are looking forward to benefiting from Gordon’s nearly 30 years of experience in management, which crosses a spectrum of business areas including business administration and workforce and business development in health care related fields.
According to Adam Grinold, BDCC Executive Director, “Steve joins a Board comprised of community and business leaders, many of which have been committed to improving Southern Vermont’s economy for decades of service. We are delighted to have Steve’s experience and perspective as head of one of the region’s largest employers.”
As its current President / CEO, BMH, benefits from Gordon’s nearly 30 years of experience in health care and hospital management. Prior to joining BMH in 2011, he served as President/CEO of Good Samaritan Medical Center in Brockton, MA, and as the Chief Administrative Officer for Children’s Hospital Boston in Waltham. He also served previously for 7 years as the Vice President for Physician Services and Business Development at Newton Wellesley Hospital/Partners Healthcare, and for thirteen years as President/CEO of Parkland Medical Center in Derry, NH.
Gordon earned a Bachelor of Arts with honors and a Master’s degree in Environmental Health Engineering from Tufts University, as well as a Master’s degree in Hospital Administration from the University of Minnesota. A Massachusetts native, Steve is a Fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives and a lifelong Rotarian. He is an active Board member for several non-profit organizations including the Brattleboro Boys and Girls Club, Brattleboro Chamber of Commerce and the Visiting Nurse and Hospice of NH/VT.
A primary objective of the BDCC is to create and retain a flourishing business community that supports vibrant fiscal activity, and improves the quality of life of all its residents. With objectives aligned, “Southeast Vermont is blessed with a diversity of talent and great ideas, and I am honored to serve on a board that is committed to workforce development and a broad range of economic development initiatives that will benefit our region,” said Gordon. “Expanding access to high quality healthcare is one key to the economic health of our region, so I’m looking forward to many robust conversations about how we can integrate healthcare into the discussion about economic growth, business development and entrepreneurship,” said Gordon.
Brattleboro Memorial Hospital has provided health care services for more than 100 years. A licensed, 61-bed, not-for-profit community hospital located in southeastern Vermont, it serves a rural population of about 55,000 people in 22 towns in Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. The medical staff includes 137 board – certified physicians, both primary care and many specialists, and its 572 employees enjoy the help of over 110 active volunteers.
For more information visit www.brattleborodevelopment.com and http://www.bmhvt.org/