Hatch Space Grls

HatchSpace Expansion Focuses on Inclusivity in Woodworking as a Hobby and Career

In October 2021, HatchSpace reopened in its brand-new space at High Street and Green, a newly updated downtown building housing the woodworking makerspace as a key tenant, along with about twenty other artists, arts organizations, and small businesses.  

HatchSpace had outgrown its original location, and the new space allows for more classes, workshops, and open hours. As many of their classes sell out, this vibrant creative hub in downtown Brattleboro clearly needed to expand!

BDCC’s Community Facilities Technical Assistance program contributed to this expansion by assisting HatchSpace with the application for a USDA Community Facilities grant application. HatchSpace was awarded $39,000 to help the space:

  • Purchase and develop high-tech design programs using machines such as the CNC, Laser Cutter, and 3D Printer
  • Create additional youth programs in partnership with schools and social service organizations
  • Provide evening and weekend availability for class times and member access

In addition to providing classes for the general public and community and workspace for hobbyists, HatchSpace has built partnerships with youth and trade organizations with an eye to help meet the projected need for 600 manufacturing positions in the region over the next five years.

HatchSpace has also focused on being a welcoming space for women who are interested in gaining skills and exploring their creativity in a traditionally male-dominated field.

One new program that the High Street and Green space will be hosting this summer is Rosie’s Girls, a weeklong summer camp for middle schoolers, created and run by Vermont Works for Women as part of their mission to promote “economic justice by advancing gender equity and supporting women and youth at every stage of their career journeys.” This is the first year the program is able to offer a camp in the Brattleboro area, thanks to the new HatchSpace building.


Does your community organization need funding to expand accessibility or educational programming, like HatchSpace did? Fill us in!


The Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC) is a private, nonprofit economic development organization that serves as a catalyst for industrial and commercial growth throughout Southeastern Vermont, including Windham County and the towns of Readsboro, Searsburg, Winhall and Weston. BDCC serves as the State of Vermont’s certified Regional Development Corporation (RDC) for the greater Windham County area. BDCC is one of 12 RDCs throughout Vermont. This BDCC activity was made possible in part by a grant from the State of Vermont through the Agency of Commerce and Community Development. For more information visit: https://brattleborodevelopment.com/