Informational Event on “Micro-Entrepreneur” Loans
Mixer at Bellows Falls Waypoint for Small Business Owners
Bellows Falls, VT – Small business owners, entrepreneurs and “wantrepreneurs” are invited to an outdoor mixer at the Waypoint Center in Bellows Falls on June 27th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. This informational event is being sponsored by the Greater Falls Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC) to promote awareness of the Southern Vermont Microentrepreneur Loan Fund (MELP). The fund, administered by the BDCC, was established to help early stage, small, and emerging businesses with favorable lending terms and technical assistance.
“Small and emerging businesses that need capital should come to find out more about how this program can help them reach their goals,” said R.T. Brown, Head INSTIG8er at the BDCC. “These businesses often have difficulty obtaining traditional financing and this program is designed to bridge that gap, including technical assistance to find the best way to invest in your business’s growth.” The BDCC secured USDA funds in 2017 to create the fund, and has already helped three local businesses invest in growth. The loan ban be used for working capital, equipment, and real estate acquisition. The program is accompanied by a technical assistance grant which allows businesses to work with the BDCC to identify aspects of their business that need attention, and identify resources which can be paid for by the grant including business advising, legal and financial services.
For more information contact R.T. Brown rbrown@brattleborodevelopment.com, or visit www.brattleborodevelopment.com/loans.
Event Details:
Microentrepreneur Loan Fund Mixer
Wednesday June 27, 2018, 5:30 – 7:00 pm
The Waypoint Center, 17 Depot Street, Bellows Falls, VT 05101
About the SoVermont Microentrepreneur Loan Program
The SoVermont Microentrepreneur Loan Program is a revolving loan fund established by the BDCC based on SeVEDS strategic priorities centered on fostering an entrepreneurial environment and support for small businesses. It is accompanied by a technical assistance grant. The loan funds help small businesses that are unable to obtain traditional financing and access capital. The technical assistance grant is offered to businesses who access loan funds and need help with a specific area of their business. Contact R.T. Brown, rbrown@brattleborodevelopment.com for more details.