Pilot Your Pivot: Business Resiliency Webinar
(Sure, cows have nothing to do with this post but it’s summer in Vermont!)
BDCC’s Business Resiliency Webinar for August 14th will focus on small business pivots.
COVID-19 has forced this issue for many small businesses as they try to remain nimble and build resilience in such uncertain times. For some, a more deliberate focus to online sales has been a viable path. While not easy – it’s at least an option.
For others, especially those in industry segments where the destination IS the business, travel restrictions and public health guidelines have often forced revenue to reduce or evaporate entirely. For these businesses, the situation may call for more than a pivot. Is it a new business? If so, what are the resources available to help?
This webinar will help to identify resources to help with a business pivot, as well as provide a few simple tools to help start the process. These tools are useful to any business at any stage because it’s always good to assess where you are, what’s working, and what’s not. You never know what’s going to happen next!
Session Access Information:
Day: 8/14/2020
When: 2:15 p.m.
Zoom Meeting: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/781064798
Meeting ID: 781-064-798
Phone: 888475 4499 US Toll-free
One tap mobile: +19294362866,,781064798#