Project Stewardship Recordings Now Available
Our three Project Stewardship workshop recordings are now available! Project Stewardship is the first of the four-part 2021 Project Development Series. Hear from project leads from the Southern Vermont region on how they’ve stewarded their projects through each step, created community buy-in, dealt with failure, and learned to pivot and re-envision mission.
There are three projects included in this project stewardship session, each with a different focus. In each session, you’ll hear from the project lead, a community champion, and a funder of the project.
Welcoming Communities:
Learn about Welcoming Communities, an initiative which grew out of the Working Communities Challenge, offered by the Boston Fed. Hear how BDCC, the project lead, is pivoting after they did not receive Fed funding in order to stick with the long term vision to welcome immigration to the
Putney General Store:
How does a historic structure overcome a fire? Learn about how this beloved general store rose from the ashes to the bustling town gathering place that it is today with new owners and a big vision for the future.
Bennington Area Trails System and Catamount BMX:
Many communities dream of having their own trail system. Join us to learn how BATS and Catamount BMX grew into the successful volunteer-run group it is today! Lead by two, enthusiastic young professionals, who took the state of trails in the area into their own hands and turned it into something they are really proud of.
Next up in the SVEP Project Development Series is Financial Management for Projects happening on June 24th and June 25th. Please be sure to register if you are interested in attending! REGISTER HERE