SeVEDS Announces 2017/18 CEDS Vital Project Rankings
SeVEDS Announces 2017/18 CEDS Vital Project Rankings
Dover, Vermont, May 30, 2018 —Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) announced its annual CEDS projects ranking for projects submitted for inclusion in the 2018 CEDS (Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies) update. A total of 42 projects were submitted to be included in the annual CEDS update; 12 of which have been ranked the most vital. A press event sponsored by the Brattleboro Savings & Loan and the Bank of Bennington was held at the Southern Vermont Economic Development Summit in Dover, Vermont for the announcement of Vital Projects.
Vital Projects are the top ranked projects in terms of alignment and potential to advance the goals and objectives of the CEDS. The Targeted Expertise Recruitment Pilot Project was ranked the number one most Vital Project. Other Vital Projects include the Ecovation Hub – Green Building Cluster, Rich Earth Institute and Vacuum Technology and Thin-Film Training Center.
CEDS Projects are submitted as significant activities which are happening around the region that can help implement the CEDS. Projects are given priority based on their regionality, impact on raising wage parity and/or creating or sustaining jobs in the region, growing and/or retaining new businesses or products, ability to leverage regional assets, contribute to and/or sustain the quality of place in our region. Examples of projects can include activities which promote economic development and opportunity, foster effective transportation access, enhance and protect the environment, maximize effective development and use of the workforce consistent with any applicable State or local workforce investment strategy or promote the use of technology in economic development, including access to high-speed telecommunications.
All CEDS Projects have been reviewed annually for inclusion in the Windham Region CEDS update. Every project submitted is included in the CEDS. CEDS projects not ranked as Vital Projects are listed alphabetically by category in SeVEDS publications. A project selection committee comprised of a small group of individuals that represent the region and are firmly established in their field of expertise were chosen by SeVEDS to review, score and rank the 42 project submissions; 15 new projects and 27 project updates. This committee was made up of: Kate O’Connor, Brattleboro Area Chamber of Commerce, Leigh Marthe, Community College of Vermont, David Rees, Bennington College, Steve Neratko, Town of Dover, Serenity Wolf, M&S Development, Vicki Capitani, Deerfield Valley News, Tim Scoggins, Town of Shaftsbury, Todd Fahey, Brattleboro Memorial Hospital, Martin Langeveld, Town of Vernon Planning Commission and Jill James, Chroma Technology Corp
The 2014 Windham Region S.M.A.R.T CEDS is the five year federally recognized regional economic development plan which the public and private sectors collaborated to create. A CEDS must be the result of an ongoing economic development planning process, developed with broad-based and diverse public and private sector participation, and must include a section listing all suggested projects. A CEDS also contains a section identifying and prioritizing vital projects, programs and activities that address the region’s greatest needs or that will best enhance the region’s competitiveness. Progress on all the goals and projects is updated annually.
In 2018 Bennington County and Windham County are coming together to develop the first ever joint Southern Vermont Economic Development Zone CEDS to guide the next five years of the Southern Vermont region’s economic future. 2019 CEDS Vital Projects Announcements will include projects from across Southern Vermont’s two most southern counties.
For a complete list of the 2018 CEDS Projects, please visit: https://brattleborodevelopment.com/seveds-announces-2017-18-ceds-vital-project-rankings/
About BDDC & SeVEDS:
The Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation is a private, nonprofit economic development organization that serves as a catalyst for industrial and commercial growth throughout Southeastern Vermont, including Windham County and the towns of Readsboro, Searsburg, and Weston. BDCC serves as the State of Vermont’s certified Regional Development Corporation (RDC) for the greater Windham County area. BDCC is one of 12 RDCs throughout Vermont. For more information visit: https://brattleborodevelopment.com/
Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) is an affiliate of BDCC that grew from a 2008 grassroots effort, initiated by BDCC, to reverse the economic decline of the Windham Region and plan for the economic impacts from the closure of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. In 2014, after multiple years of regional input, education and data gathering, SeVEDS submitted the Windham Region’s federally recognized S.M.A.R.T. Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for federal approval. For more information visit: www.seveds.com
Contact: Laura Sibilia, Director of Regional Economic Development Strategies and Programs
Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation, Brattleboro, VT 05301 work 802-257-7731
Windham Region 2017-18 CEDS Vital Projects
- Targeted Expertise Recruitment and Retention
Jenn Stromsten, BDCC: TERR is designed to help employers attract and retain professionals for positions that require specialized skills and experience. TERR helps employers with aspects of recruiting they can’t do alone, such as: Marketing the region to a wide audience to increase appeal & visibility; Accessing tools & techniques top firms use in recruiting by pooling needs and resources; Extending a personal welcome to professionals through targeted communications and events; Ensuring key people receive focused, personal support so new hires and families thrive - Green Building Cluster/Ecovation Hub
Dan Yates, Ecovation Hub Leadership Team: The Ecovation Hub finalized the research and formation with the completion of the final Milestone in November, 2016. A new Leadership Team formed to carry the initiative forward, with the support of the Resilient Design Institute as a fiscal agent. Jen Stromsten, BDCC - Rich Earth Institute
Kim Nace, Rich Earth: The mission of the Rich Earth Institute is to advance and promote the use of human waste as a resource. Founded in December of 2011 by Kim Nace and Abe Noe-Hays, the Institute has conducted three successful seasons of agricultural field trials using urine as a fertilizer. In 2016, Rich Earth and partners based at the University of Michigan, were awarded a 4-year National Science Foundation Grant which has expanded operations. - Vacuum Technology and Thin-Film Training Center
Sarah Locknar, Sustainable Valley Group: Establishes a non-profit training center for retraining and continuing education of vacuum scientists and technicians and thin-film engineers. - Health Care Collaborative Workforce Training Project
Bill Lax – Six College Collaborative: Six College Collaborative, Grace Cottage Hospital, Brattleboro Memorial Hospital, Brattleboro Retreat - Retreat Farm
Katrina Razionale, Retreat Farm: Retreat Farm has developed a cohesive, long-term strategy to transform this historic property into a regional center for land-based education, food systems, arts, recreation, markets, and events. - Farm/Food Innovation Center (FFIC)
Orly Munzing, Strolling of the Heifers, Inc.: The overall goal of the FFIC remains to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship in the Windham regional food and agriculture business sector. - Southern Vermont Workforce Center of Excellence
BDCC The So.VT Workforce Center of Excellence now has four flagship programs including Fast Tracks to Success and the Collaborative Internship Program. - Southern Vermont Regional Job Board
BDCC: The goal of this project is to build a talent pipeline for employers in Southern Vermont. This project will create a regional job board to list available jobs in Windham and Bennington Counties. - Windham Place
Robert Crego, M&S Development: This $9 million project will involve renovating 26,000 square feet of a downtown building to house an expanded restaurant (Popolo), a 21-room boutique hotel with amenities, and 5 residential units. - High Performance Builder Industry Recognized Credential
Guy Payne, Sustainable Energy Outreach Network (SEON): Industry Recognized Credential as High Performance Builders in the Residential and Light Commercial Industry) - New England Youth Theatre Arts Campus
Naomi Shafer: Develop a Downtown Arts Campus in Brattleboro, where local arts organizations and community partners can share resources and develop an arts sector. Over the past year, NEYT has completed construction for the extension to the shop extension and started the second phase of is redevelopment, which focuses on 56 Elm Street.
All other projects submitted for inclusion in the 2016 CEDS (appearing in alphabetical order by Project Category)
Major Investments
Brattleboro Museum and Art Center
Robert Crego, M&S Development: This project involves a $23 million renovation and expansion project in the heart of downtown Brattleboro for BMAC, a contemporary art museum.
Carinthia Ski Lodge at Mount Snow
Laurie Newton, Mount Snow: The Carinthia Ski Lodge Project at Mount Snow consists of the construction of a three‐story 36,000‐square‐foot ski lodge at the Carinthia Base Area of Mount Snow.
Carinthia Residential Units at Mount Snow
Laurie Newton, Mount Snow: The Carinthia Residential Units Project at Mount Snow consists of the construction of a up to 150 residential units at the Carinthia Base Area.
NECCA Circus School and Performing Arts Facility
Gary Fox, Co-Chair – NECCA Building Committee: Continued Capital Campaign is at $1,113,037 in contributions and commitments.
Putnam Block Redevelopment
Robert Crego, M&S Development: re-purpose a 4-acre brownfields site located at the four corners in Bennington, Vermont. Project will create 160,000 square feet of new commercial and residential uses, expanding access to affordable housing and vital community services.
West Lake Snowmaking Project at Mount Snow
Mount Snow: $12 million West Lake Snowmaking Project at Mount Snow which will provide 100% snowmaking.
Flood Hazard Mitigation in Jacksonville Village
Gig Zboray, Town of Whitingham: Feasibility study and engineering plan for an overflow bypass channel, floodplain storage area and culvert replacement.
Hempcrete Small house
Emily Peyton: Construct a small house, 400800 square feet using the hempcrete material.
Tiny House Festival
Lisa Kuneman: Series of events and projects that gather citizenry, industry representatives, officialdom, nonprofit agencies and educators around the topic of resilient solutions to the housing crisis.
Green Island Project – Local Food Hub Incubator and Locavore Teaching Restaurant
Gary Fox: Sustainable Valley Group: This incubator facility, at 30 Island St in Bellows Falls is a repurposed old industrial building (part mid1800’s VT Farm and Machine Company brick structure and part 1955 commercial structure including food Service and food manufacturing).
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystem
R.T. Brown, BDCC: Implementation of various elements of the SoVT Business Accelerator Feasibility Study
Marlboro Connectivity Project
Ty Gibbons, Chair, Marlboro Connectivity Committee, Chair, Marlboro Select Board: High speed internet access for our residents and businesses in Marlboro.
Leveraging Broadband Investments
SeVEDS/BDCC: Leveraging broadband investments demand for last mile investments. Develop maps for use in marketing programs to show the locations of high capacity lines and connections.
Route 9 Infrastructure Improvement Project
Town of Wilmington: Acquire the Wilmington Water District and merge with the Wilmington Wastewater District to enable expansion of water and sewer to the Route 9 East Corridor.
Whitingham Sewer Upgrades
Town of Whitingham: Town of Whitingham sewer upgrade.
WRC Village Wastewater
Windham Regional Commission: Windham Region Village water and wastewater needs assessment.
Guilford Early Learning and Resource Center
Elly Majonen, Community Collaborative for Guilford: In active collaboration with multiple local organizations we plan to carry out that mission by creating the Early Learning and Family Resource Center in Guilford
Old School Community Project
Cindy Hayford, Old School Board Chair The Old School Enrichment Center is organized for the purpose of inspiring enrichment, wellness and economic development in the Deerfield Valley.
Renovation of the Broadbrook Community Center
Rick Zamore, Secretary, BBCC Board: Renovation the facility will be used year-round for community celebrations, dances, performing arts events and more
Rockingham TIF Development Project
Gary Fox, Bellows Falls Area Development: Identify, fund and implement the feasibility study and scope for TIF district in downtown Bellows Falls.
Route 30 Business Network
BDCC: Develop a network for businesses along Route 30 and in the West River Valley.
Strengthen the West Brattleboro business environment
West Brattleboro Association: Strengthen the West Brattleboro business environment and network.
WRC Real Estate
Windham Regional Commission: Windham Region Residential Real Estate Market Analysis.
Vernon Center
Martin Langeveld, Town of Vernon: A non-profit organization, the Friends of Vernon Center, Inc., and the Planning and Economic Development Commission of the Town of Vernon, are working together to create a vision for a new village center for the Town of Vernon.
Private Sector
Wheel Pad L3C
Julie Lineberger: Wheel Pad®: an ecofriendly, temporary, universally accessible bedroom and bathroom attachable to an existing home
Frank Wadelton: Our objective is to create a unique global hub for “battery assist” bicycles, the fastest growing segment of the transportation market.
Vermont Museum of Natural History Relocation and Expansion
SoVT Natural History Museum/ Ed Metcalfe: Vermont Museum of Natural History Expansion and Relocation.
Southern Vermont Marketing Plan
Jenn Stromsten, BDCC: Create a consistent Southern Vermont brand to market the area for tourism and business/employee recruitment.
Youth-led Business and Workforce Development Program
Russel Bradbury-Carlin, Youth Services: A youth-led screen-printing business that will incorporate vocationally oriented case management services.
United in the Workplace (formerly Working Bridges)
United Way: improves the financial stability of working families by providing resources to employers and employees in Windham County.