Stevens and Streeter to lead SeVEDS Board in 2018
Capitani elected to regional board
The Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies Board(SeVEDS) has announced a reorganization and a new addition to its Board of Directors. At the board’s annual meeting in July, the following members were elected officers for FY 2018: Bob Stevens of Stevens and Associates in Brattleboro will serve as Chair of the board. Meg Streeter of Meg Streeter Real Estate in Wilmington will serve as Vice Chair. Steven Dotson of Westminster will serve as Board Treasurer and Bill Colvin of Bennington County Regional Commission in Bennington remains on the executive board as Secretary.
Randy Capitani of Dover was voted onto the Board of Directors. Capitani is President of Vermont Media Publishing Co. LTD, the Publisher of the Deerfield Valley News and President of the Journalism Education Fund of New England. Capitani is no stranger to economic development initiatives. Since 1995 he has spent time as the Chair of the Dover Economic Development Committee, the Mount Snow Valley Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and the SoVermont regional marketing organization. He and his wife have been long time supporters and coaches of youth sports in the Deerfield Valley.
The remaining composition of the SeVEDS Board is as follows: Avery Schwenk from Hermit Thrush Brewery, Susan McMahon from Windham Regional Commission, Drew Richards from The Richards Group, Luke Stafford from Mondo Mediaworks, Carolyn Blitz from the Stratton Foundation, Bethaney LaClair from World Learning/SIT, Josh Druke from WW Building Supply, Mary Ann Kristiansen from Hannah Grimes Center, Adam Grinold from BDCC, Carolyn Blitz from the Stratton Foundation and Konstantin von Krusenstiern from Brattleboro Retreat.
SeVEDS is an affiliate of the BDCC that grew from a 2008 grassroots effort, initiated by BDCC, to reverse the economic decline of the Windham Region. In 2014, after multiple years of regional input, education and data gathering, SeVEDS submitted the Windham Region’s federally recognized Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy. For more information on the CEDS or SeVEDS visit www.seveds.com or contact Laura Sibilia, Director of Regional Economic Development Strategies and Programs at lsibilia@brattleborodoevelopment.com.