BDCC Staff Profile: Laura Sibilia

BDCC Staff Member Name: Laura Sibilia Position Title: Director of Economic and Workforce Development Program(s): Community Outreach and Communications for all of the BDCC Programs Where were you born? Fairhaven,…

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BDCC Staff Profile: Kristin Mehalick

BDCC Staff Member Name: Kristin Mehalick Position Title: SeVEDS Project Manager Program(s): SeVEDS (which includes the CEDS, The Ecovation Hub and Workforce Development) Where were you born? Harrisburg, PA Where…

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BDCC Staff Profile: Devin Green

BDCC Staff Member Name: Devin Green Position Title: Collaborative Internship and Communications Coordinator Program(s): Internship Program, Communications (Media Output and Deliverables for all of the BDCC programs) Where were you…

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