
The Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund (VSJF) released the first set of modules of its new Business Sense series, next level tools for entrepreneurs and small business owners. Business Sense is a no-fluff source of information that gets right to the heart of what small business owners need: essential tools and relevant resources to help their businesses grow. The Financial Literacy Series and the Business Operations Series are the first two modules of six planned modules to debut in 2023 to support Vermont’s small business owners and entrepreneurs.

Written by VSJF’s team of business coaches, the resource series shares their decades of experience in areas such as financials, operations, sales and marketing, human resources, leadership, and governance. Business Sense is designed to provide entrepreneurs and small business owners in various sectors with recommendations and practical advice to help their businesses not only survive but thrive.

VSJF provides tailored business management coaching, entrepreneurial support, and training to position Vermont-based entrepreneurs and small business owners in our designated market sectors – agriculture, forestry, waste management, renewable energy, and environmental technology – for growth and long-term success.

“Our business management coaching and Business Sense training series are designed to accelerate the growth of the enterprises we work with and expand the leadership capacity of the entrepreneurs who own and manage these businesses,” said VSJF Executive Director Ellen Kahler.