So.VT Young Professionals 3rd Annual Creative Black-Tie Gala
CONTACT: Southern Vermont Young Professionals
Alex Beck, BDCC Workforce and Education Program Manager
(802) 257-7731 ext.214
Southern Vermont Young Professionals and Mondo Mediaworks Announce 3rd Annual
Creative Black-Tie Gala
On March 3rd, from 7:30-10:30 pm, the Southern Vermont Young Professionals will be hosting the third annual Creative Black-Tie Gala, a community-wide fundraiser in support of Windham County’s young professional community and SeVEDS Young Professionals Group.
The Creative Black Tie Gala draws hundreds of attendees each year, packing the Brattleboro Museum and Arts Center to capacity with community members of all ages, professions, and interests; all of the proceeds from the event will be used to expand and enrich programs and networks these Young Professionals have worked so hard to create. With all-local music, food, and beverages, this years event promises to be as fun and impactful as the last.
The Southern Vermont Young Professionals is a workforce initiative of SeVEDS and the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation. Our mission is to attract and support Young Professionals by providing engaging opportunities and community-minded events in a socially equitable way throughout Southern Vermont. As the median age of Vermont’s workforce steadily climbs, this initiative is increasingly important to Southern Vermont’s growing businesses.
“We feel lucky to sponsor an event that celebrates the young people who choose the Vermont lifestyle. They work hard all winter long, and this is a night to kick back with like-minded, ambitious professionals who share a vision of a thriving regional workforce,” said Luke Stafford, CEO of Mondo Mediaworks. Mondo has been a champion sponsor of this event every year, and is a vocal champion for community and economic development across Vermont.
Tickets are available at https://ypgala2018.eventbrite.com, with early bird tickets going for only $10 a piece. Tickets include admission, where there will be will be live music, local food and dessert, and a photo booth. Raffle tickets for locally sponsored prizes can be bought at the event, and a cash-bar will also be available. Those who intend to purchase alcohol must provide ID.
Sponsorship opportunities are available for any individual or organization looking to support the Young Professionals community. For more information, please contact Alex Beck at abeck@brattleborodevelopment.com.