What is a “Good Job”?
At Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation, our Workforce Center of Excellence strives to improve alignment between regional demand for talent and job seekers of all sorts. The opportunities this alignment creates at a regional level is necessary to revitalize our economy and improve the wellbeing of our communities. One important factor in creating this alignment is building awareness about opportunities among current and future job-seekers within a commutable area.
Talking about opportunities requires creating an understanding about what “opportunity” means: Not all jobs provide equal opportunity for financial prosperity. Identifying which occupations can lead to a career, and which do not, is ever more important to students, parents, teachers, and adult job-seekers. The McClure Foundation has identified high-wage, high-growth careers all Vermonters can work towards. High-need, and high-opportunity occupations are where job-seekers and students start their pathway to prosperity, and are the first step to long, successful careers.
BDCC works to translate this awareness into understanding, concrete detail, actions and outcomes within the context of southeastern Vermont. Want to learn more about our philosophy about what makes jobs “good” for our students, job-seekers, and community as a whole?