Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation Accelerating The Green Building Cluster

Request for Qualifications – Cluster Support/Coordination Resource

Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation (BDCC) on behalf of  Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) is issuing this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) in search of a Cluster Support/Coordination Resource to  work in cooperation with BDCC and it’s industry cluster development and research consultants to identify and recruit knowledgeable cluster members to participate in development of a green building cluster strategy that will cultivate new and existing businesses in the field of Green Building and Services.  The BDCC has received federal and state funding in support of developing and implementing the project as described below.


The Project:  The Southeastern Vermont Green Building Cluster study will focus on development of green building and energy research, systems and product development, financial and consultant services and development of a national center of excellence to address the current and future green building and energy needs of the existing built environment.


Key performance measures to be met by the Green Building/Services Cluster Study are:

  • Produce a Cluster Analysis that outlines the regional value chain and provides market studies for building products and services.
  • Qualitative benchmarks describing a green building national center of excellence.
  • Increased capacity in the areas of finance (lenders, realtors, appraisers) and manufacturing infrastructure (facilities to support the manufacture of high-performance wood products).
  • Number and quality of specific actionable business plans


For a full description of the cluster project please go to this link:


Consultant(s) sought for:

  1. Local coordination for the creation and distribution of cluster development knowledge, and resource documents/materials for the region
  2. Cultivate relationships and provide outreach to current and new business members of the cluster in the tri state region area including Windham and Bennington, VT, Franklin County, MA and Cheshire county, NH
  3. Serve as a regional, state and national “go to” point of contact for any business seeking to make connection with green building innovative best practices and the energy/building product and service innovation community


The Cluster Support/Coordination Resource will provide:

  1. Local logistics coordination to create and organize cluster development, knowledge, and resource documents/materials for the region;
  2. Cultivate relationships and provide outreach to current and new members of the cluster as well as coordinate communication between cluster members, cluster teams and cluster leadership;
  3. Serve as the “go to” information resource for any business seeking to make connection with green building innovative best practice, the energy/building innovation community resources, etc;
  4. Coordinate cluster milestone meeting recruitment efforts and logistical support for hosting and facilitation of milestone meeting events.
  5. Maintain a historical record of industry cluster team events and meetings, including minutes and file documentation.
  6. Assist with implementation of cluster leadership recommendations from November-July  2016


Detailed Scope of Deliverable Work:

Working with industry cluster leadership team, cluster research consultants and BDCC, the Cluster Support/Coordination Resource will assist local implementation of the initiative. They will work and regularly communicate with BDCC staff to assure project logistics coordination and regional, state and national communication about the cluster. They will provide logistical coordination for industry cluster team meetings and community sessions.  They will be responsible for preparing monthly reports on local coordination, communication and logistics activities for reporting to BDCC, project team and project funding grantors.

Selection Criteria: Responses to this proposal will be evaluated on the following criteria: Qualification and experience of the Cluster Support/Coordination Resource with project coordination, creating and distributing internal and external sector specific communications through press releases, blog posts, social media, demonstrated knowledge of green, resilient and sustainable research and development, product design and manufacturing and knowledge asset leaders resident in the region; sufficient staff for all required work; and lastly, demonstration of commitment for meeting the project schedule.

An invitation to enter into contract negotiations shall be forwarded to the firm or individuals determined to be qualified and best able to perform the described task. Proof of insurance will be required before contracting with selected consultants.

BDCC reserves the right to seek clarification of any statement submitted and to select the firms that are best able to address the project purpose and best promote the public interest, or to reject any and all proposals. BDCC also reserves the right to withdraw this Request for Qualifications, to accept or reject any or all statement of qualifications, to advertise for new statement of qualification if it is in the best interest of the BDCC to do so, and to award a contract as deemed to be in the best interest of the BDCC.

Equal Opportunity – The evaluation of qualifications shall be made without regard to race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, or political affiliation. BDCC is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages proposals from qualified minority and women-owned businesses.

Representatives from BDCC will review the qualification and negotiate a contract with the selected consultant.  Candidates with the most competitive proposals will be interviewed. 


Specific Criteria and Qualifications being sought include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Familiarity in working with business and entities in the Green Building and Services field in Southeastern Vermont
  • Demonstrated project and event management experience
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate to multiple audiences using multiple mediums.
  • Capability of personnel to carry out the project.



Applications Due:  November 23, 2015

Review of Applications: November 24, 2015

Notification of Project Award:  November 24, 2015

Begin Project Work:  November 30, 2015

Project is 24 months in duration from August 2015

Reporting Deadlines:  September 30th, 2015,  March 31st, 2016, September 30th, 2016, March 31st, 2017, Final Report August 13, 2017.


Experienced candidates are invited to provide the information listed in this RFQ to the lead contact listed below.


Please provide all requested information, in addition to any relevant company brochures.


1) Business Name (including business website URL): ______________________________________________________________________


2) Business Address: ______________________________________________________________________



3) Business Phone:________________________ Fax: __________________________ Email: ___________________________


4) List of Principals and Titles:



5) List and describe any relevant projects your business has completed in Windham County, VT.



7) List any community development experience your staff may have.



8) How many years has the company/entity been in business?



9) Please attach copies of all associated degrees, licenses, certifications held by your staff members:



10) Based on #5 above, list three customer references we could speak to about the work done by your company. Provide client’s company name, lead contact name, address, phone number, and email.


Responses are due not later than Monday, November 23rd, 2015

Electronic submissions are preferred.  Printed submissions should include 6 copies.


For additional information, please contact:


Jodi Clark, Project Manager

Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies

76 Cotton Mill Hill

Brattleboro, VT 05301


For Immediate Release

July 2, 2013

Contact: Laura Sibilia 802-257-7731

Request for Projects
Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS)

CEDS Project Solicitation
June 2013

1.      Project Overview: Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) is seeking project proposals for inclusion in the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS), as required by the United States Economic Development Administration (EDA). Information on the required component of a CEDS can be found

2.      Proposal Contents: The proposal must identify the applicant and include a detailed description of the project; establish that the applicant has the authority, capacity and the wherewithal to successfully implement the project; establish the likely outcome of the project and establish how that outcome is consistent with the goals and strategies of SeVEDS.  For a complete description of submission requirements, go to

3.      Applicants:  Any private or public entity or consortium of entities can submit a project for consideration.  Applications will only be accepted from the entity(s) directly implementing the project.

4.      Proposal Instructions: Proposals are due no later than August 9 at 5:00 pm. Proposals must be received at: SeVEDS, 76 Cotton Mill Hill, Brattleboro, VT 05301. A minimum of (5) paper and one (1) digital copy are to be submitted.

5.      Contact Information: All inquiries, questions and clarifications must be directed to Laura Sibilia at 802-257-7731 or

6.      SeVEDS Regional Economic Development Goals & Strategies: to review a list of regional economic development goals and strategies.


Posted June 13, 2013 

The State of Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD), Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is seeking public input on the development of the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR2) Action Plan for the $17,932,000 allocated to State to further assist in the recovery of Tropical Storm Irene and other smaller declared storms. Public Hearing – June 27, 2013 at 3:30pm-5:30pm; Bugbee Senior Center, 262 N. Main Street, White River Junction, Vermont  05001.