Emerging Leaders talk about what it means to be a Young Professional in Southern Vermont
To view footage of the event and hear from Katherine Partington and Michelle Marrocco, click here: www.brattleborotv.org/southern-vermont-economic-development-summit/seveds-2018-emerging-leaders-southern-vermont
Dover, VT – At this year’s Southern Vermont Economic Development Summit, more than just collaboration and ideas were emerging. The Southern Vermont Young Professionals and the Shires Young Professionals co-hosted an Emerging Leaders of Southern Vermont reception, at which 24 young professionals from Bennington and Windham regions were recognized. Individuals were nominated by their community members for championing notable economic development initiatives, assuming leadership roles within their place of work, and their outstanding commitment to serving their communities.
The reception was sponsored by Edward Jones, Heritage Family Credit Union, and Bennington Potters and featured advice on how the emerging leaders can make the most of their roles in Southern Vermont from Secretary Michael Schirling of the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development and Commissioner Lindsay Kurrle of the Vermont Department of Labor. “It’s your world…embrace that and take that for a drive. Get involved at a community level, that is where progress is really made,” stated Secretary Schirling.
Two emerging leaders received the “Summit Award” a special recognition due to being nominated multiple times by different community members. Katherine Partington, of Mondo Mediaworks, stated “I had it in my head that I’d have to wait until I was older, even retirement age, to move back to Vermont for the life I craved. Turns out, I had the opportunity to move back much earlier, and it was one of the best choices I’ve made as a young professional.”
Michelle Marrocco, of Bennington County Regional Commission, noted “As a young professional working in Southern Vermont, I’m amazed by the opportunities I’ve been given. Nowhere else would I have been given the chance to lead projects and influence decisions like I have here.”
To view the “What is SoVermont?” power point highlighting the projects of all of the emerging leaders, as well as the booklet with Notes from the Nominators on each nominee, visit www.SoVermontSummit.com. Nominees will also be submitted to the Vermont Rising Star nominations.