New Vermonter At Work

Helping Deerfield Valley Employers Welcome New Vermonters

In January 2023 a new group of refugees from Ethiopia will settle in the Deerfield Valley, with the help of ECDC and local cosponsors. To help these new Vermonters access employment, a webinar for employers was offered on January 17th.
Southern Vermont has been welcoming asylum-seekers since 2016, and in 2022 began to welcome refugees with the establishment of a local field office by ECDC (the Ethiopian Community Development Council) a national refugee resettlement organization.
Throughout 2022, BDCC has worked in partnership with ECDC and their community cosponsor volunteers to help refugees access employment. Over 70 asylum seekers and refugees are now working in Brattleboro and Bennington, in settings that range from non-profits and construction to hospitality and manufacturing.
One of the ways that BDCC supports the hiring process is by helping to prepare employers to work with immigrants. We’ve offered webinars with legal professionals to answer key questions and keep an updated FAQ for employers on our web site