Explore Your Retirement Through Succession Planning
BDCC To Sponsor Small Business Succession Planning Workshop
An introduction to business ownership succession planning will be offered on Tuesday, March 6 from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. at the Marlboro College Graduate Center, 28 Vernon Street in Brattleboro. Led by Phil Steckler and Tammy Richards of Country Business, Inc. and Don Jamison of the Vermont Employee Ownership Center, this free seminar will cover the four most common ownership exit paths: sale to an outside buyer, to family, to managers, and to the broader group of employees. Joining us for this edition of the seminar for a live story will be Dan Rosenberg, founder and General Manager of Greenfield MA-based Real Pickles, who will describe that company’s sale to employees using the worker cooperative structure. The seminar is open to business owners and key managers and, while it is free, registration is required. For more information and to register, please follow this link: http://bit.ly/2018-succession.
Sponsors of the event are the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation, the Vermont Small Business Development Center, the Vermont Manufacturing Extension Center and the Vermont Employee Ownership Center, with funding provided by the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development.
About INSTIG8, BDCC, and SeVEDS:
INSTIG8 is a suite of services and programs at the BDCC focused on small and emerging businesses. This work has been informed by the region’s CEDS Objective 2: Create an entrepreneurial environment and culture to enhance existing business and grow new business and focuses on implementing the findings of a 2016, EDA-funded, Business Accelerator Feasibility Study . INSTIG8 gives new business ideas a place to go and connects existing businesses with regional resources.
The Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation is a private, nonprofit economic development organization that serves as a catalyst for industrial and commercial growth throughout Southeastern Vermont, including Windham County and the towns of Readsboro, Searsburg, and Weston. BDCC serves as the State of Vermont’s certified Regional Development Corporation (RDC) for the greater Windham County area. BDCC is one of 12 RDCs throughout Vermont.
For more information visit: https://brattleborodevelopment.com/
Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) is an affiliate of BDCC that grew from a 2008 grassroots effort, initiated by BDCC, to reverse the economic decline of the Windham Region and plan for the economic impacts from the closure of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. In 2014, after multiple years of regional input, education and data gathering, SeVEDS submitted the Windham Region’s federally recognized S.M.A.R.T. Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for federal approval. For more information visit: www.seveds.com.