May 22nd Webinar: Blizzards, Earthquakes, and Pandemics
The BDCC Resiliency Program’s Webinars have been primarily focused on information dissemination and technical details about available relief programs. It’s a forum to share insights about how regional businesses have approached the relief landscape as well as reopening considerations.
The May 22nd session will be less about spreadsheets, program applications, or loans, and more about you, the operator. We have heard people highlight the importance of personal resiliency. In the midst of a crisis, one must make sure they are exercising and reducing stress. I’ve been interested to explore how we can help provide tools and resources that can help a business owner have the cognitive resilience and mental tools to be in a better position to make sound decisions. I think this is just as important as being able to complete a loan application.
A few years ago I met Francis Sopper from Dummerston. I believe he needed a conference room to use for a virtual meeting – remember when that was not an everyday thing? He’s a neuro-science guy and since that time I’ve learned a bit more about his work. He’s kindly engaged with some of my Startup workshops. When I spoke to him about this topic, he immediately stated the following, “It’s like a blizzard, we all know they will arrive, but it’s the randomness that throws you.” Is it possible to make things more predictable that are random? How does that apply to you and the business you operate?
On Friday, May 22, please join Francis and I as we investigate some tools that one can apply to develop better mental resilience in times of crisis.
Session Access Information:
Date: May 22
Time: 2:15 p.m.
Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 781-064-798
Phone: 888 475 4499 US Toll-free
One tap mobile: +19294362866,,781064798#
I hope to see you on Friday!
R.T. Brown, BDCC’s Chief Instig8er